Saturday, October 29, 2011

[make] mini-mummies and sticky ghosts

Super easy and super quick, there's no need to stray too far from the classics.

Mummies and Mini-Mummies:

Directions:  Glue the end of some white crepe paper to the candy bar wrapper (I used Hershey Bars) and simply wrap.  Wrap the crepe paper around until it's all covered and then tear the paper and glue the end to the bar's wrapper.  Glue on some google eyes and move on to the next one.

Blow-Pop Ghosties:

Directions: Take a single tissue and center the sucker in the middle.  Fold the tissue around the pop part and tie off with a ribbon.  I opted to go with black yarn to tie secure the tissue to keep it retro. Use a black marker to may eyes and a mouth if you'd like.

The great part about both of these - the kiddies can help you assemble and make the faces.  Especially if you are trying to put 50+ of each together!  Add them to a clear bag with a fruit roll-up and a ribbon and ready to give.

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